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Building a Strong and Sustainable Business Culture: Tips from Katie Santos


[RESOURCE] Katie Santos Recap Video

BFS Members can view the recording here

In this blog, we delve into the key takeaways from a live Mini Sprint with industry leader Katie Santos, a seasoned former studio owner and large club manager. Katie shared invaluable insights on how to cultivate an engaging company culture, define a clear vision, and implement effective hiring practices. By focusing on these strategies, you can build a strong and sustainable business culture that attracts and retains top talent.  

Building a Strong Company Culture for Talent Retention

One of the most critical aspects of running a successful studio is creating a culture that retains top talent. A strong company culture starts with a clear mission and guiding principles. From maintaining a clean and welcoming environment to embracing diversity and encouraging open communication, these values set the tone for your entire business. By adhering to these principles, you can create a workplace where employees feel valued and inspired, even during challenging times.

Enhancing Marketing Strategies for Talent Attraction

If your goal is to attract top talent, focus on marketing not just to clients but also to potential employees. Make your studio's unique offerings, culture, and benefits prominent in your recruitment efforts. You can also ensure job postings are transparent with realistic salary expectations and maintain an active hiring page on your website. Additionally, clear communication with new hires and staff referral incentives can significantly enhance your recruitment success. Consider using videos to give potential applicants a genuine sense of your company culture. 

Neurodiverse Employment and Performance Reviews 

Embracing neurodiversity can enrich your team with diverse skills and perspectives. To effectively integrate neurodiverse individuals, focus on inclusive hiring practices, fair interviews, and comprehensive onboarding. Regular performance reviews and opportunities for professional development help all employees feel valued and supported. You can also keep your team motivated by offering salary increases for additional certifications and proven achievements.

Staff Management and Pay Strategies:

Effective staff management starts with clear job descriptions and competitive pay. Be mindful of both administrative and management tasks in each role, and ensure compliance with wage and overtime laws. Incentives for referrals and good performance can boost motivation and loyalty. Furthermore, offering part-time roles for flexibility and expanding the GM role to meet exempt position requirements can enhance your studio’s operations.  

Building a strong and sustainable business culture requires a clear vision, defined guiding principles, and strategic hiring practices. By focusing on these areas, you can create a studio environment that attracts and retains top talent, fosters a sense of belonging, and ultimately drives your business toward success. Remember, the culture you create today will shape the future of your business.


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