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Maximizing Attendance and Engagement: Handy Tricks to Motivate Members Until Fall


There’s no denying summer is a tough season for fitness facilities. Between the warmer weather, kids on school breaks, and the lure of long overdue vacations, you might have noticed clients slowly slipping away.

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But don’t lose heart! There are still ways to keep your clients engaged and excited about their fitness journey and, equally important, ensure revenue comes in steadily over the next month or so. All it takes is a little creativity. Worried the summer heat has zapped all your ideas? TeamUp has got some industry-approved strategies to incorporate fresh, seasonal activities into your usual offering (and they’re way more beneficial than pausing those memberships!)

Boost morale with seasonal programs

The summer sunshine generally makes us feel happier and less inhibited, and therefore more willing to leave our comfort zone. So, what better time to take your clients outside to try something new while they enjoy some vitamin D? Depending on your usual offering and client base, you might consider organizing a yoga group in the park, paddleboarding at your local lake, or keeping things simple with a group excursion or short run on the beach. Another option is to do some networking and join forces with a local business to offer a more holistic wellness experience. This can work wonders for your brand and give you a chance to gain more recognition within the local community.

Encourage participation with convenient options

Experiment with new timetables such as moving morning sessions to the afternoon so clients can fit more into their day, particularly over summer when vacations and school holidays mean members might need to adapt their regular schedules. Exciting offers like limited summer specials for families and students, kid-friendly classes for busy parents, or gentle group activities for seniors looking to stay in shape can help entice new clients while retaining your current ones, and even generate demand you hadn’t considered for the fall season.

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Complement these new offers with a healthy dose of virtual content. Pre-recorded workouts, classes, demonstrations, and live sessions are far easier for clients to fit into their busy day and remove the need to travel back and forth to your facility, saving them time and money. What’s more, once you upload virtual content to your site, it becomes a potential money maker all year round, as well as a handy filler when you or your staff take a well-deserved break. Take a look at Creating and Monetizing Your Own Virtual Content for a wallet-friendly guide to going digital. We guarantee it’s easier to get up and running than you think.

Activate your community–and ramp up the competition!

Summer is a great time to do some brand building. Think about advertising an open day in the local library and shops, or organize a special summer event where members can bring friends and family along. These intimate gatherings strengthen your community, encourage your members to bond, and attract new clientele. As you’ve been working hard all year, they’re also the perfect excuse to let your hair down, have a little fun, and get to know your members better in a more relaxed setting.

You can even crank things up a notch and float the idea of a fun bingo challenge to keep members on the right track until classes start in the fall. Simply download TeamUp’s customizable bingo template, add the activities that are most relevant for your client base, and get playing! (Tip: Remember to keep everyone involved by sharing across your social media accounts and emailing the bingo card to clients who couldn’t make your social event).

And that was just for starters! Curious to learn more?

Head over to TeamUp and download your free guide on Maximizing Summer Attendance for more detailed steps and inspiration to keep member motivation high until the fall and beyond!

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