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Optimize Your Business with Full-Time Teaching Staff Success

Written by The BFS Network | Apr 5, 2024 4:26:46 PM

Discover how to create a successful business model inspired by Ritual Hot Yoga’s approach to employee care and community building.


One of the key aspects of optimizing your business is to craft an employee-centric business model. Lindsey Kaalberg, the Founder & CEO of Ritual Hot Yoga in Chicago, has implemented a business model that was inspired by Lululemon's approach which involves its salespeople in every aspect of the business.  Similarly, Ritual employs full-time teachers who teach classes and participate in Ritual’s day-to-day operations which creates a sense of ownership and community within the studio which enhances employee satisfaction and, ultimately, the Member Experience.

Kaalberg recommends that studios that want to implement an employee-centric business model should begin by considering their full-time instructors’ personal needs.  These benefits not only attract and retain talented teachers but also demonstrate that you value their total wellbeing.

You can start by conducting surveys or having discussions with your employees to ask them which benefits matter the most to them and then you can use their responses to create an employee benefits package that aligns with their needs.  

Ritual’s benefits package includes health insurance, dental insurance, 401K matching, and paid time off.  


Another key component of Ritual’s employee-centric business model is a focus on employee care over profits. While profitability is important for any business, prioritizing the wellbeing and satisfaction of your employees has numerous, immeasurable long-term benefits.

Lindsey explained that Ritual makes a conscious decision to invest in its teachers’ wellbeing because the result is a positive work environment that fosters a sense of loyalty and commitment among the employees. When employees feel valued and cared for, they are more likely to be motivated, productive, and dedicated to the success of the business.

Some of the factors that Ritual considers are opportunities for professional development, work-life balance, and creating a supportive and inclusive culture, which, collectively, can contribute to the overall success of your business by creating a positive and thriving work environment.


Creating a sense of community within your business can have numerous benefits for both your employees and your customers. Lindsey believes that having full-time teachers who participate in managing the business helps foster a strong sense of community within Ritual where employees feel connected, engaged, and motivated. It can also contribute to greater customer satisfaction and retention.  

Some of Ritual’s employee engagement practices include organizing team-building activities, encouraging collaboration and communication among its employees, and creating spaces for shared experiences. 


In addition to benefits, Kaalberg believes that it's critically important to provide clear expectations and training for your employees which helps them understand their roles and responsibilities and results in higher employee satisfaction.   Lindsey emphasized the importance of maintaining a culture of direct communication and accountability within their studio.

By setting clear expectations, employees know what is expected of them and can work towards achieving their goals and this clarity helps to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Open and direct communication channels allow employees to voice their concerns and ideas, leading to a more collaborative and inclusive work environment.

To ensure clear expectations and communication, you can implement regular check-ins and feedback sessions, provide training on effective communication skills, and establish channels for anonymous feedback. By prioritizing clear expectations and open communication, you can optimize the success of your business and create a positive work environment.