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Struct Club Insights: AI Questions Every Boutique Owner Must Ask Today

Written by Struct Club | Feb 27, 2024 9:58:36 PM

Amira Polack, CEO & Founder of Corporate BFS Member Struct Club, the choice group fitness programming software for music-driven boutique classes, made waves at the recent Connected Health & Fitness Summit (CHFS) by Kisaco Research on February 8th in Los Angeles. Since 2019, CHFS has rapidly become a leading industry event with headline sponsors, speakers, and attendees including top executives from Apple, Meta, Nike, Strava, Peloton, and beyond. 

Amira was appointed to the 2024 CHFS Advisory Board and took center stage as the Moderator and Curator of the summit's panel discussion titled "How AI is Changing the Future of Fitness." Together with key executives at WHOOP, Life Time Fitness, Wild.AI, and ROR Partners, the panel delved into what’s happening & what’s to come in our industry with the transformative power of AI. Key insights spanned the latest on innovative progress, top opportunities for brands, key risks to consider & navigate, as well as strategies for operational transformation.

Struct Club is excited to share Amira's most valuable insights that arose from the conversation with the BFS community in the form of Top 10 Takeaways, and a number of "Go-Forward Questions" for Operators to ask themselves today:

Top 10 Takeaways:

  1. AI fluency has already become the new business standard - faster than prior innovation.

  2. AI is enabling new levels of service personalization that today’s consumer expects now.

  3. Instead of getting intimidated by AI, quickly look up AI 101 lingo - get educated.

  4. The rise of new operators who are AI-native at launch is cropping up faster than ever. 

  5. Legacy operators feel behind in embracing the opportunity to unlock day-to-day operational bottlenecks and elevate core experience (e.g. repetitive programming minutia). 

  6. First and foremost, a customer-experience-first mindset should anchor any AI strategy.

  7. Clear strategies and goals must be communicated to your team around AI adoption to avoid staff feeling disintermediated.

  8. Major AI limitations today relate to historical data quality & availability.

  9. Many operators are already using AI in their work & lives without even knowing it. 

  10. Organizational transformations begin in small steps & quick wins.

Questions for Owners:

  • Have I asked my customers how they are experiencing & interacting with AI today?

  • What is the relationship with the “Jobs to be Done” for my customer, and where innovation can help me do those Jobs more powerfully?

  • What am I doing with my time today that I know I shouldn’t be doing - and can AI help get this done for me?

  • What is not happening in my business today to manifest MY vision for the experience we aspire to create, and what can AI do to help us get there faster?

  • What are my fellow Owner friends doing right now with AI?

  • What mistakes or key lessons can I gather from peers who’ve already tested AI tools?

  • What are MY favorite brands doing to operationalize AI - what can I replicate?

  • How is my team interacting with AI today? Example: Are my instructors using tools like Struct Club to elevate designing & running classes?

  • When was the last time I checked the BFS Network Marketplace on the latest available innovations for my business?


BFS Member Perk 

Claim your Free Custom Programming AI 101 Workshop: Struct Club has kindly offered BFS Members who sign up by March 1 2024 one of its complimentary introductory workshops to work 1-on-1 with BFS members to craft a starter roadmap AI-Enabled Class Programming for music-driven boutique owners. This offering is typically exclusive to current Struct Club for Teams customers.